
The layers were brought together using a "construction methodology" and "careful planning."

Kynan Pearson, a former Retro Studios level designer, has spoken about the "building approach" underlying the Metroid Prime titles' levels.

Pearson was a guest on Reece Reilly's Kiwi Talkz podcast, where he discussed the design decisions of Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country Returns, both of which he worked on at Retro Studios.

When it came to building the levels of Metroid Prime 2, Pearson noted, "You can basically mitigate against those issues through the construction process as well as diligent planning." "One of the things about the way we'd set up rooms and passageways in the Metroid Prime games is that there are docks that link," says the creator.

"Ultimately, this means that you can rearrange any room or hall in the globe, but things still have to fit together cohesively in terms of real-world space."

Pearson goes on to suggest that these rooms would require a similar aesthetic style, and that the transitions and room layouts "still fit together mathematically."

For Metroid Prime 2, the team at Retro Studios laid out the entire map first, working out room interconnection and player pathing before moving on to the next step. Then it would take seven days to construct a room, three days to construct a hall, and one day to construct a pickup room. This was due to the fact that every room in Metroid Prime 2 had both light and dark versions to account for.

"Eventually, we'd pre-plan a room, and then we'd start blocking out all the blue rooms and gaming sequences," Pearson explained. He also mentions that the gloomy form of the globe was partially blocked off due to the difficulty of the design process.

Darby McDevitt, the principal writer on numerous Assassin's Creed games, has returned to Ubisoft and will continue to work on the franchise.

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